Projects Lucid Dreams of a Static Beast (coming soon) Micélio (coming soon) Admire the predator Conversation Aming Animals Mystery Planet (coming soon) The sun is in the sky (coming soon) Between oasis and horizon Clandestina by Maria Mire The Animal Inside Jellyfish for Angelica Salvi NUME Oficina Mescla Solvitur Ambulando Mother Dune Unhuman but Earthy, Unearthy but human Anuário 20 Earth on Venus Bienal da Maia 21 Labirinto cá dentro, Labirinto cá fora Linhas Nómadas Offside Paradiso Master Thesis A U M Extinction of a planet Volcanoes of Venus Sashimi Fishmonger BAHAMUT Cabaré Brutal Inventory of extraterrestrial fires Venus Dances Juan Raton Monsieur Mercure Eyes of the vulcano Collector Creatures of Ash Svenja Tiger and the looking for clues band Cerveiros LOOP Absent Self-Portait